Freemasonry is the oldest and largest existing fraternal organisation in the world, available to good men and true regardless of race, colour or creed (religion).
Many people find that life in the modern world does not allow enough time for family, community or themselves. They believe that basic principles of society such as honesty, consideration for others and open mindedness can be lost in an increasingly cynical and insular society.
Freemasonry believes that these principles are the essential building blocks of any positive and nurturing society. It offers a community of people who share a belief that humanity can choose to be noble and honourable and welcomes like minded individuals to participate.
Fairfield Lodge was consecrated in 1919 and since then it members have met in brotherhood to further their knowledge of the ancient, noble and honourable beliefs of Freemasonry.
The members of Fairfield Lodge are principled members of their community and meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Ivalda Temple. At each meeting we warmly welcome brothers in Freemasonry who visit our lodge. Many Freemasons are regular visitors, and a number of members of Lodges that have closed have joined Fairfield Lodge, reflecting the friendliness and companionship the members of Fairfield Lodge feel towards their fellow man.
Fairfield Lodge operates under the constitution, rules and care of the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Victoria.
Like many Victorian lodges we are pleased to have the support and guidance of the members of Grand Lodge who not only give of their time but also have generously allowed us to use some of the copy from their website in creating our own online presence.